Tyrannosaurus Rex 1

Often when I am conflicted about a person in my life, I construct allegories of the conflict. In this picture, I present allegorically the question whether a certain friend is brave or foolish. The T. rex’s interest in the girl is threatening, though perhaps a bit confused, if not dumbstruck. To me, this picture is a controversy of power for, while the T. rex is much larger than the girl, it is in shadow and the light that illuminates it is but the reflection of the light devoted to the girl. In short, my conflict about this friend is whether I should admire her bravery in the face of a dangerous foe, or if she is simply too proud and foolish to get out of the way of a force much greater than her. The outcome of this conflict is not resolved in this picture since there is no telling what might happen next. Perhaps in the next moment, the T. rex will snap her up in his mouth and unceremoniously end her life. Also possible, however, is that the animal will bow to her in submission, overcome by the strength of her will